Covid-19 Virus Update
These are challenging and unprecedented times and we need to support each other and protect those who are most vulnerable. We are all adjusting and learning to cope, but the way in which we respond reveals so much about us, what is valuable to us and the strength of the communities in which we live.
It has been inspiring to see so many people going out of their way to help and support others who are in greater need. The number of people responding to the call to volunteer for the NHS is remarkable and to know that they will be supporting such brave and courageous doctors and nurses on the front line gives us all hope.
Oxygen's venues, including the shop, are closed and Street Pastor Patrols have ceased. Staff are having to work from home, but are still able to provide support to young people, schools, vulnerable adults and our own incredible team of volunteers. We are working with our partners in voluntary and statutory organisations to adapt our services to utilise the technology available and continue to support those most in need. We are closely monitoring the developing situation and following guidance from Public Health England.
If you are aware of someone in need in the community and think we might be able to help then please click here to let us know. We will soon be recruiting for volunteer mentors who can support young people to help them get through these challenging times.
Many thanks for your help support and cooperation